Solid Waste Management in Polog Region – Phase I

The Centre for Development of the Polog Planning Region, located at the street address: Ilindenska No.335, SEEU Campus, building no. 602 1200 Tetovo, has a need for Procurement of Solar Photovoltaic System for the Rusino landfill within the project “Solid Waste Management in Polog Region, Phase I” financed by Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO. For that purpose, the Contracting Authority shall conduct a procurement using simplified competitive procedure. Therefore, we would like to invite you to submit your tender for the above mentioned subject of the procurement no later than 02.06.2022 at 12:00 at the address stated above.  Enclosed, you will find following documents:

I.  Instructions to tenderers
II. Terms of Reference
III. Tender form
IV. General Conditions of Supply Contract
V.  Special Conditions of Supply Contract

When preparing your tender, please use the tender form which is an integral part of this Request and fill in the English language.

Presentation of legislation and methodology for drafting and approval of PHRMV by the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning

Presentation of legislation and methodology for drafting and approval of PHRMV by the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning


Today, in the framework of the activities initiated by the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning for the development of the new Spatial Plan of the Republic of Northern Macedonia for the development period 2020-2040, today at the South East European University in the conference hall of the Rectorate in Tetovo was held Presentation on the legislation, development and approval of PHRMV by the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning with the participation of the Minister of Environment and Spatial Planning Mr. Naser Nuredini, Director of the Agency for Spatial Planning Andrijana Andreeva, Chairperson of the Municipal Development Council from the Polog region, the director of the Center for Development of the Polog planning region, the working group for monitoring, leading and directing the drafting process formed by the MEPP.

The legislation and methodology for the elaboration of the new spatial plan were presented at the meeting, also the municipalities of the Polog planning region were asked to appoint contact persons for further exchange of data and information which will be necessary for the successful implementation of goals of the tasks under development during the compilation of the new spatial plan of the Republic of Northern Macedonia for the development period 2020-2040.

Invitation for submission of tenders 0507-147/2 (extended deadline to 04.06.2020 at 12:00h)

The Centre for Development of the Polog Planning Region, located at the street address: Njegosheva No.2 1200, Tetovo, has a need for Procurement of Waste Collection Containers for the Municipalities of Polog Region within the project “Solid Waste Management in Polog Region, Phase I” financed by Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO. For that purpose, the Contracting Authority shall conduct a procurement using simplified competitive procedure. Therefore, we would like to invite you to submit your tender for the above mentioned subject of the procurement no later than 29.05.2020 at 12:00 at the address stated above.  Enclosed, you will find following documents:

I. Instructions to tenderers

II. Terms of Reference

III. Tender form

IV. General Conditions of Supply Contract

V. Special Conditions of Supply Contract

VI. Form of performance security

When preparing your tender, please use the tender form which is attached in the Tender dossier below and fill in English language. By submitting a tender, you accept to receive notification of the outcome of the procedure by electronic means. Such notification shall be deemed to have been received by you on the date upon which the contracting authority sends it to the electronic address you referred to in your offer.

Important notification:
Deadline for submission of tenders for the procurement of waste Collection Containers with 0507-147/2, has been extended until 04 June 2020, 12:00 pm CET because of the difficulties for scheduling procurement committee meeting due to the corona-virus restrictions of the public transportation. As such, members of the evaluation committee – not residents of Tetovo, cannot attend at the bidding opening session initially scheduled for 29.05.2020 at 12.00 pm. 

Announcement of Public Consultation on Safeguards Documents within the project “Fostering Alternative Tourism in Rural Areas of Polog”


Center for Development of the Polog Planning Region within the “Local and Regional Competitiveness Project“supported by the EU, administered by the World Bank and implemented by the Cabinet for Deputy Prime Minister in charge of Economic Affairs, project component „Investment in tourism-related infrastructure and linkages at destinations“, prepared and submitted a project proposal called “Fostering Alternative Tourism in Rural Areas of Polog” for obtaining grant for financing the project. The main goal of the project is strengthening of economic development by increase in the competitiveness of the Polog region as a touristic destination, while effectively adapting to the requirements of the domestic and foreign markets and contributing creation of new jobs.

As a part of the project proposal, Center for Development of the Polog Planning Region prepared an Environmental and Social Management Plan for the project „Fostering Alternative Tourism in Rural Areas of Polog”in order to identify and estimate the potential impacts on the environment of the project activities. The plan also contains measures for prevention, minimization and mitigation of the possible negative impacts from the realization of the planned project activities.

Electronic version of the Environmental and Social Management Plan is available at:

Hard copy of the Environmental and Social Management Plan is available at these locations:

  1. Project Implementation Unit (PIU)

Local and Regional Competitiveness Project  (LRCP)

Address:  ul. Miroslav Krleza no. 60/1, Skopje

Telephone: 02 32 53 818

Environmental expert: Ljubomir Petkovski


  • Center for Development of the Polog Planning Region

Address: ul Njegoseva no.2 floor 1 1200 Tetovo

Telephone: 044/618-062    

Person in charge: Slavko Kostoski


Please, if you have any comment/suggestion or amendment on the proposed measures in the Environmental and Social Management Plan submit it to the responsible persons within the period of at least 14 days from the date of Environmental and Social Management Plan publication.

 (date of publication: 13.03.2020).

Please send your comments on the Environmental and Social Management Plan for the project “Fostering Alternative Tourism in Rural Areas of Polog” to the listed e-mails, or in the offices of the Center for Development of the Polog Planning Region and/or Project Implementation Unit.

Thanks in advance. 

Important notice:

Due to the declared state of emergency in the country, the deadline for submitting comments and suggestions for improving the Environmental and Social Management Plan of the project “Strengthening Alternative Tourism in the Rural Areas of Polog” has been extended to April 24, 2020. Taking into account the emergency measures of Government, please submit your comments by filling out  the attached form, and send it exclusively by e-mail to the addresses listed above.

(Last udate: April 15, 2020)


The members of the STEP network from the regions Polog and Elbasan organized the first joint workshop for creating joint tourist packages

On 04 and 05 March 2019 in Hotel Skardus, Popova Shapka, Tetovo, within the “STEP – Smart tourism enhancement project” was held a two-day workshop for creating joint tourist packages from the regions Polog and Elbasan.
The workshop was attended by more than 50 subjects that deal with tourist activities, travel agencies, hotels, hostels, restaurants, as well as people who own their own accommodation facilities in the Polog region and the Elbasan region. As a result of the two-day workshop, the basics were developed for developing tourist packages that will later be presented at the specialized digital platform for tourism promotion – iTop.
Four separate groups worked on developing various tourist packages that are mainly focused on content that is interesting for tourists in these regions: – adventure and ecology, rural tourism and history, culture and gastronomy. Multiple-day joint packages on both sides of the border will serve as a basis for developing sub-packages that can be used by travel agents or other profiled entities for providing such services.
The project is implemented by the Metamorphosis Foundation with its partners, the Center for Development of the Polog Planning Region and the Council of the Elbasan County, and is funded by the European Union.

VII Session of the Council for Development of the Polog Planning Region

On Monday, 10th of December 2018, at 10:00 am, in the small conference room at hotel MERCURE, Tetovo, the seventh Session of the Council for Development of the PPR was held.

At this Session, unanimously by the present Mayors of the Municipalities of the region, a decision for the re-election of the Head of the Center for Development of the Polog Planning Region, Mr. Fatmir Saiti, was made and he was entrusted with another 4 years mandate.

Another very important Decision which has been made at this session was the Establishment of a regional solid waste management enterprise.

VI Session of the Council for Development of the Polog Planning Region

On Thursday, 27th of September 2018, at 10:30 am, in the small conference room at hotel MERCURE, Tetovo, the sixth Session of the Council for Development of the PPR was held.

At this Session, the signing of the Decision for the establishment of the Network for Resistant and Protected Polog, as well as the Agreement for unification of financial means for the project Improving Resilence to Floods in the Polog Region, was initiated. Also, the Mayors of the Municipalities of the region have adopted the proposal of the Head of the Center for Development of the Polog Planning Region (CDPPR) for starting a procedure for registration of the Business Center for support and consultative services for small and medium enterprises in the Polog Region, as a separate legal entity.



The Center for Development of Pollog Region Planning within the project “Equitable Sustainable and Inclusive Regional Development” financially supported by the Ministry of Local Self-Government and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) started with the realization of Regional Forums for identifying conceptual projects in the region.

On 18.02.2019, at 12:00 hrs, at the Skardus hotel, Kodra e Diellit, was held the first regional forum forum within the framework of the Regional Community Forums Program.

The first session of the forum was opened by the Minister of Local Self-Government, Suhejl Fazliu, Chairperson of the Council for Development of Pollog Region Planning, Teuta Arifi and the Director of the Center for Development of Pollog Region Planning, Fatmir Saiti. Among other attendees were the other mayors from the Polog region, the Mayors of the Municipal Councils, representatives from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), representatives from the Bureau for Regional Development and other representatives from the public and private sector.

Within this program are foreseen four forum sessions through which priority projects will be selected and proposed before the donor – the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, for funding.

Following the completion of the forum process, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation will select a project that the Pollog Development Plan Development Center will implement in 2019.

Through participatory approaches, representatives of local self-government units from the Polog region, the business sector, non-governmental organizations and citizens of the pollogistic planning region discussed the priority problems that disturb the region and proposed a priority solution.

Participants at the first forum session identified problems and solutions in the field of environment, tourism, business infrastructure and social inclusion, which were also given as priorities for donor funding. In accordance with the proposed priority problems and their solutions, 5 proposal acceptable concepts were identified and will be presented during the second forum session to be organized on 26.02.2019






VII Session of the Council for Development of the Polog Planning Region

On Monday, 10th of December 2018, at 10:00 am, in the small conference room at hotel MERCURE, Tetovo, the seventh Session of the Council for Development of the PPR was held.

At this Session, unanimously by the present Mayors of the Municipalities of the region, a decision for the re-election of the Head of the Center for Development of the Polog Planning Region, Mr. Fatmir Saiti, was made and he was entrusted with another 4 years mandate.

Another very important Decision which has been made at this session was the Establishment of a regional solid waste management enterprise.