The Center for Development of Pollog Region Planning within the project “Equitable Sustainable and Inclusive Regional Development” financially supported by the Ministry of Local Self-Government and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) started with the realization of Regional Forums for identifying conceptual projects in the region.
On 18.02.2019, at 12:00 hrs, at the Skardus hotel, Kodra e Diellit, was held the first regional forum forum within the framework of the Regional Community Forums Program.
The first session of the forum was opened by the Minister of Local Self-Government, Suhejl Fazliu, Chairperson of the Council for Development of Pollog Region Planning, Teuta Arifi and the Director of the Center for Development of Pollog Region Planning, Fatmir Saiti. Among other attendees were the other mayors from the Polog region, the Mayors of the Municipal Councils, representatives from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), representatives from the Bureau for Regional Development and other representatives from the public and private sector.
Within this program are foreseen four forum sessions through which priority projects will be selected and proposed before the donor – the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, for funding.
Following the completion of the forum process, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation will select a project that the Pollog Development Plan Development Center will implement in 2019.
Through participatory approaches, representatives of local self-government units from the Polog region, the business sector, non-governmental organizations and citizens of the pollogistic planning region discussed the priority problems that disturb the region and proposed a priority solution.
Participants at the first forum session identified problems and solutions in the field of environment, tourism, business infrastructure and social inclusion, which were also given as priorities for donor funding. In accordance with the proposed priority problems and their solutions, 5 proposal acceptable concepts were identified and will be presented during the second forum session to be organized on 26.02.2019
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