On 04 and 05 March 2019 in Hotel Skardus, Popova Shapka, Tetovo, within the “STEP – Smart tourism enhancement project” was held a two-day workshop for creating joint tourist packages from the regions Polog and Elbasan.
The workshop was attended by more than 50 subjects that deal with tourist activities, travel agencies, hotels, hostels, restaurants, as well as people who own their own accommodation facilities in the Polog region and the Elbasan region. As a result of the two-day workshop, the basics were developed for developing tourist packages that will later be presented at the specialized digital platform for tourism promotion – iTop.
Four separate groups worked on developing various tourist packages that are mainly focused on content that is interesting for tourists in these regions: – adventure and ecology, rural tourism and history, culture and gastronomy. Multiple-day joint packages on both sides of the border will serve as a basis for developing sub-packages that can be used by travel agents or other profiled entities for providing such services.
The project is implemented by the Metamorphosis Foundation with its partners, the Center for Development of the Polog Planning Region and the Council of the Elbasan County, and is funded by the European Union.
The Center for Development of the Polog Planning Region has started with the realization of Regional forums for identification of project ideas in the region, one of the activities within the project: “Sustainable and Inclusive Balanced Regional Development” financially supported by the Ministry of Local Self-Government and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).
Within the program Regional forums in the community, on 07.03.2019, at 12:00, in Driada Restaurant Gajre, Tetovo, the third regional forum session was held.
During the third forum session, a brief overview of previous forum sessions and the five project concepts were presented, and the manner of voting was explained. The first three project proposals that received the most votes from the working tables will be presented to the Council for development of the Polog planning region and they will be proposed to the donor – the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, for financing.
The working tables decided for the three priority projects in the Polog region, i.w.:
1. Smart Tourist Info and Promo Offices;
2. Establishment of a business incubator in the Polog region; 3. Arrangement of mountain recreation trails on Shar Planina and Suva Gora.

VII Session of the Council for Development of the Polog Planning Region
On Monday, 10th of December 2018, at 10:00 am, in the small conference room at hotel MERCURE, Tetovo, the seventh Session of the Council for Development of the PPR was held.
At this Session, unanimously by the present Mayors of the Municipalities of the region, a decision for the re-election of the Head of the Center for Development of the Polog Planning Region, Mr. Fatmir Saiti, was made and he was entrusted with another 4 years mandate.
Another very important Decision which has been made at this session was the Establishment of a regional solid waste management enterprise.
VII Session of the Council for Development of the Polog Planning Region
On Monday, 10th of December 2018, at 10:00 am, in the small conference room at hotel MERCURE, Tetovo, the seventh Session of the Council for Development of the PPR was held.
At this Session, unanimously by the present Mayors of the Municipalities of the region, a decision for the re-election of the Head of the Center for Development of the Polog Planning Region, Mr. Fatmir Saiti, was made and he was entrusted with another 4 years mandate.
Another very important Decision which has been made at this session was the Establishment of a regional solid waste management enterprise.
VI Session of the Council for Development of the Polog Planning Region
On Thursday, 27th of September 2018, at 10:30 am, in the small conference room at hotel MERCURE, Tetovo, the sixth Session of the Council for Development of the PPR was held.
At this Session, the signing of the Decision for the establishment of the Network for Resistant and Protected Polog, as well as the Agreement for unification of financial means for the project Improving Resilence to Floods in the Polog Region, was initiated. Also, the Mayors of the Municipalities of the region have adopted the proposal of the Head of the Center for Development of the Polog Planning Region (CDPPR) for starting a procedure for registration of the Business Center for support and consultative services for small and medium enterprises in the Polog Region, as a separate legal entity.
VI Session of the Council for Development of the Polog Planning Region
On Thursday, 27th of September 2018, at 10:30 am, in the small conference room at hotel MERCURE, Tetovo, the sixth Session of the Council for Development of the PPR was held.
At this Session, the signing of the Decision for the establishment of the Network for Resistant and Protected Polog, as well as the Agreement for unification of financial means for the project Improving Resilence to Floods in the Polog Region, was initiated. Also, the Mayors of the Municipalities of the region have adopted the proposal of the Head of the Center for Development of the Polog Planning Region (CDPPR) for starting a procedure for registration of the Business Center for support and consultative services for small and medium enterprises in the Polog Region, as a separate legal entity.