The Center for Development of the Polog Planning Region has started with the realization of Regional forums for identification of project ideas in the region, one of the activities within the project: “Sustainable and Inclusive Balanced Regional Development” financially supported by the Ministry of Local Self-Government and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).
Within the program Regional forums in the community, on 07.03.2019, at 12:00, in Driada Restaurant Gajre, Tetovo, the third regional forum session was held.
During the third forum session, a brief overview of previous forum sessions and the five project concepts were presented, and the manner of voting was explained. The first three project proposals that received the most votes from the working tables will be presented to the Council for development of the Polog planning region and they will be proposed to the donor – the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, for financing.
The working tables decided for the three priority projects in the Polog region, i.w.:
1. Smart Tourist Info and Promo Offices;
2. Establishment of a business incubator in the Polog region; 3. Arrangement of mountain recreation trails on Shar Planina and Suva Gora.

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